Who Run Philly 2k

Tournament Winners

Once Somebody Reach 20 Tournament Wins You Will Recieve An Extra $1000 Dollars


Name: Navi Rank: 1 Game: NBA2K

Even tho he almost Folded like a beach chair in the Championship game lol he still got the job done & won the $2000 cash prize.

Name: Amir

Rank: 2 Game: NBA2K

To me he had the same type season as Golden state when they were up 3-1 on LeBron in the Finals and he came back lol. He had the money and let it slip right out his hands and lost in Game 7..

Name: Mikah Rank: 3 Game: Madden

Proved once again he not to be messed with in Madden. Holding it down in the Big money games pressure do not get to him he solid.